Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear Lady Brett Ashley,

Dear Lady Brett Ashley,
You may be gorgeous and every guy wants to sleep with you, but you need to understand that you must only be with one man. I suggest not marrying Mike, Jake, Robert, or even the bullfighter, Romero. You must leave all of them and get out of all of that drama. If you are with any of those men, somebody will eventually get hurt. You are hurting your fiancé, Mike, by cheating on him. You are in love with Jake and have been sleeping with Robert Cohn. This is just inappropriate and unacceptable to be happening at this time and any time. I know that you have your eye on that awesome bullfighter in Spain. He is off limits to you. This will only cause more drama between you and the 4 other men you are having an affair with. If you really want to be with one of them, even though I recommend not too, the only man that you should get with is Jake. Jake is unable to have sex and you love him regardless. I know that you don’t only love him for the sex and he is in love with you. You both love each other but you are too stupid to commit because you want to make sweet love. This is why I don’t like you and you need to get your act together. If your true meaning of life is to just have fun and sex, good job to you because you are good at that, but if you want to be loved and feel true passion, you must find the right man that you love not only because of the sex. I wish you luck on your journey to finding your true meaning of life because it will require you to change how you are to find your true love.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Chason Bridges

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